Understand User Details

Forename First name of the user. 100 characters max.
Surname Surname of the user. 100 characters max.

This field is for the user's email address and can contain up to 100 characters. Whenever Testwise communicates with the user directly, it will send an email to this email address. Examples of when this may occur, include when the user is first set up on Testwise and when the user password needs to be reset.

You cannot enter an email address that is already being used for another user on Testwise. This includes any users who have been deactivated.

Confirm password

The user's password will need to be entered here again.

This is so that the password can be confirmed by the system, in case a typographical error was made the first time the password had been entered in the previous field.

Roles - 

The roles define which areas of the Testwise system the user can access, so they must be selected with caution. The roles that are available, include:

  • School Admin role - This user role has full permissions to manage all aspects of the system for their school.
  • Limited School Admin role - This user has school admin privileges, minus the ability to Add new students or users.
  • Teacher - This user has full permissions at a school-level, minus the ability to edit the school details such as name, logo, etc. 
  • Cluster Admin role - This user has permissions to manage all aspects of the system at a Cluster level, and for all sub schools.
  • Cluster report viewer role - This user has limited permissions to allow creating and viewing cluster-level reports.

Note: which roles are available for assignment will depend on your role profile.


Note: If the fields or columns on your screen are different from the ones listed in the table above, this may be because your system labels have been changed by your System Administrator. You cannot change system labels yourself, unless you have specific system permissions.

Mandatory fields

When creating users, some fields are mandatory, which means you must enter information in those fields in order to proceed.

You can identify the mandatory fields in your system by finding field names that have an asterisk after them on the 'Create New User' screen. For example, if the Email address is mandatory, then it will be displayed as Email*. When creating a user, if you do not enter information in a mandatory field, then a red warning triangle will be displayed next to the field name.


Optional Fields

When creating users, you do not need to enter information in every field. Some fields may be left blank. Any field that is not mandatory may be left blank.