Reset User Passwords

If a user has problems accessing Testwise, they may need to have their password reset.

When you reset a user password, the user will receive an email containing a link which will enable them to enter details of their new password.

Note: You can only access the Users functional area if you have the relevant user permissions. The School Administrator user role can access this area, but the Teacher role does not have access to this area.

How to reset a user password

1. Click the Users button from the Testwise home screen. All existing users are displayed within the Users List.

2. Find the user whose password you want to reset.

3. Click the Actions button displayed alongside the user's name.

4. The Edit and the Reset Password buttons will now appear, overlapping the User Name in the first column.

5. Click the Reset Password  button.

A green message will appear in the bottom right corner of the screen, confirming that the reset process has begun.

The user will receive an email with the subject 'You Requested a New Password', which will prompt them to click on a Change Password link. When they click on the link, the 'Change Password' screen will be displayed, where they can enter their new password.

6. Once they have entered a new password and clicked on the Save button, they will receive an email with the subject 'Password Successfully Changed'.

The process of resetting a user password is now complete.

7. To return to the home screen, click on the Home button.