View Details of a Sitting
Once you have created a Sitting, you can view its details if its status is 'Live' or 'Draft', as displayed in the 'Status' column of the Sittings List.
You cannot view details of a Sitting if its status is marked as 'Expired', 'Pending', 'Closed', 'Started' or 'Completed'.

1. Click the Sittings button on the home screen. All existing Sittings are displayed within the Sittings List.
2. Find the Sitting you want to view and click the Actions button displayed next to it. The Edit and Download Access Codes buttons now overlap the Sitting Name in the first column.
3. Click the Edit button to display the Sittings Wizard.
4. The Sittings Wizard allows you to view the details of the Sitting. See Understand Sitting Details for information about each box that is displayed in each section.
Note: If you cannot click on Save in the Test Start Period section, then this is because you need to amend one or both of the dates therein before you can continue.
5. Click on the Cancel button to return to the Sittings List.
6. To return to the home screen, click on the Home button.