Understand Sitting Details

The following information is entered or can be viewed when working with Sittings in the Sittings Wizard:

Sitting Name

The name of the Sitting, which will be used to identify and find it on the platform.


This contains all the test(s) which can be completed during the Sitting.

Test Group

The level, form or name of the tests that the students will be completing.

From Date
(Beginning of Test Start Period)

The earliest date and time by which a test can be started. This is also known as the 'Beginning of the Test Start Period'.
Within the Test Start Period section, the 'From Date' and 'To Date' define the time range within which a Student can start their test.

To Date
(End of Test Start Period)

The latest date and time by which the test can be started. This is also known as the 'End of the Test Start Period'.

Remaining Credits Status Bar

The remaining credits that are available for the selected Service. 1 credit = 1 test for 1 student.


The students who are assigned a test in a Sitting.

Test Start Mode

This defines the way in which a test will be started. Students can only start their test(s) within the Test Start Period, which is the time range defined by the dates in the 'From Date' and 'To Date' fields.

The Manual Test Start option gives an extra layer of control to the test-starting process. Once the Test Start Period has begun, a Testwise user will have to click on the 'Start Test' button on the Student Progress screen to enable Students to start their test(s).
The Automatic Test Start option means that once the Test Start Period has begun, Students can start their test.

Once the Test Start Period has ended, Students can no longer start their test(s).


A Sitting can have one of the following statuses at any time:

Live - Current date and time falls within the Test Start Period but no Student has started a test yet.
Expired - Current date is past the End of the Test Start Period (defined in the 'To Date' column).
Pending - The Beginning of the Test Start Period date (defined in 'From Date' column) is yet to arrive.
Closed - The Sitting has been manually closed.
Started - Current date falls within the Test Start Period and at least one Student has started taking one test.
Draft - Sitting has been created and saved as a draft.
Completed - All tests have been completed by all students.


This information is useful when Changing Details of a Sitting or Create Sittings