Monitor Student Progress
Once you have created a Sitting, you can monitor the way in which each Student user is interacting with the system by displaying the Student Progress screens.
You can view Student progress for all Students in one or more Sittings.
For each assessment, one of the following progress statuses will be displayed against the name of each Student user:
- Not Started - The student has not logged into the Test Lobby and clicked the Start Test button yet.
- In Progress - The student has logged into the Test Lobby but not completed a full test yet.
- Marking - The student has completed the test and the results are being processed by the platform.
- Completed - The student has completed the test and the results have been successfully processed and saved to the platform.
- Failed to Finish - The student has started the test, but has not completed it and more than double the test duration time has elapsed since the end of the Test Start Period. For example, the end of the Test Start Period was 24 May 2016 11:00 a.m., and the Test Duration was 62 minutes. The Student user started the test at 10:50 a.m. but did not complete the test by 1:04 p.m., then their Student Progress Status will be 'Failed to Finish'. 1:04 p.m. is calculated by adding 124 minutes (62 minutes multiplied by 2) to 11:00 a.m.
How to view Student Progress
1. Click on the Sittings button on the home screen. All existing Sittings are displayed in the Sittings List. See Understand the Sittings List for information about each column that is displayed.
2. Find the Sitting(s) with the Students whose progress you want to view.
3. Click the Progress button next to the Sitting name to view the progress of each student in the selected Sitting.

The Student Progress screens provide information about how each Student is progressing with each test assigned to them in the Test Lobby.
4. You can view the following details on the Student Progress screen:
- Student Name - The first and last name of each Student.
- Access Code - The unique code that enables each Student user to log into the Test Lobby to complete the tests assigned to them.
- Logged In - Whether the student is currently logged into the Test Lobby or not. This column will contain either a Yes or No. 'Yes' means that the Student is currently logged into the Test Lobby and 'No' means that the Student is not currently logged into the Test Lobby.
- Progress Status - The remaining columns on the Progress Status screen show the names of each test in the Sitting and how each Student is progressing through them. Please refer to the beginning of this section for details of what each Progress Status means.
5. If you want to update the information on the Student Progress screen to reflect any changes in student activity since you first arrived at the screen, click the Refresh button at the top right. The Student Progress screen also refreshes at regular intervals automatically.
6. Click the Back button to return to the Sittings List.
7. To return to the home screen, click on the Home button.