SENT-R reports
SENT-R is accompanied by an Online Marking Tool. Practitioners enter the score obtained by the pupil for each of the five strands of the test and the tool then generates the following five reports:
- Student Listing – this report lists the results for each students (including Raw Score, Standard Age Score (SAS), Stanine, National Percentile Rank, Group Rank and estimated National Curriculum Maths level).
- Group Demographic Comparison – this table shows Raw Score and SAS means and standard deviations for each group of students.
- Comparison of Group and National Stanine Distributions – the bar chart shows the percentage of students that fall within certain ranges of scores.
- Analysis by Strands – the bar chart shows which percentage of pupils fall within different National Curriculum Maths levels for each strand.
- Analysis by Age Equivalent Band – this table shows the percentage of students by age equivalent bands.
SENT-R Sample Reports booklet
Download the SENT-R Sample Reports booklet to view all of the above reports.
Free report templates
The following reporting templates for SENT-R are free to download and use with your SENT-R results. The downloads are editable Word documents.