The NGST Group Report for Teachers
A group report for teachers will be available after testing and is made up of the following sections:
• Overview
This is a short introduction which describes the test content and how the test works. This will be useful when sharing reports with colleagues who may not be familiar with NGST.
• Why use NGST?
Again, this is a short section setting out the main uses of NGST.
• Relationship between NGST scores
This comprises a simple diagram showing how standard age scores (SAS), stanine scores and national percentile ranks relate to each other.
• Example scores
This page shows an annotated version of the group report table with a glossary of terms used.

• Group scores
Scores for the pre-determined group include SAS, stanines, group rank and national percentile rank.

• Analysis of group scores (all students)

• Group demographic comparison with gender as the baseline
Up to two additional categories may be specified by the school. For example, these could be for students with English as an additional language or those with special or additional learning needs.