Further explain that the test starts with some practice questions to get them used to the real questions, that all instructions are on the screen and that they should work through each section at their own pace.
Single Word example question
All students will start the test with the Single Word section and will see the following practice question followed by another similar one.
The voice over will ask the students if they can spell the example word.

Once the students have clicked on ‘Next’ they cannot return to the previous question.
In the practice section, students will receive feedback telling them whether they have answered correctly or incorrectly. However, this will not be a feature of the test.

Because NGST is adaptive, each student will see a different set of test questions. Performance in the Single Word section will determine whether a student is then taken on to the Spelling in Context section.
Spelling in Context
This section is made up of sentence completion items and has two example questions, starting with this one, with feedback.