View the Students List
You can view all students that have been created and saved on your Testwise platform by selecting the student list.

Note: If there are no students displayed, this is because they have not been added to Testwise yet or because they have all been archived. You can add students by creating new students or importing students.
If a Load More button is displayed at the bottom of the List, this means all there are additional students to show. Click the Load More button to display the next 100 Students.
1. View details about each Student by examining the information within each column. See the 'Understand Student Details' section for specific information about each column.
Note: If the column headers are not the ones you expect to see, this could be because your system labels have been changed by the System Administrator. You cannot change the system labels yourself, unless you have been granted the necessary permissions.
2. To change the order in which students are displayed in the list, you can sort the list in the order of a specific column, by clicking on the Ascending Sort and Descending Sort buttons displayed next to some column headings.
4. To display a specific set of students, you can:
- Apply filters to the list by selecting tags in the filter pane.
- Search the First Name and Last Name columns for specific words or characters (any letters or numbers) by entering them into the search box.
5. To display all students, remove all filters and delete any text in the search box .
6. To return to the home screen, click on the Home button.