The subtests

The areas assessed by the subtests in PhAB and PhAB2 that are known to impact reading and spelling.

The subtests do not have to be attempted in a single sitting nor is it necessary to complete all subtests if targeting a specific ability or skill.

PhAB subtests (6-14)

The Alliteration Test 

Assesses a child’s ability to isolate the initial sounds in single syllable words

The Naming Speed Tests 

Assesses a child’s speed of phonological production. These tests include the Picture Naming Test and the Digit Naming Test.

The Rhyme Test 

Assesses a child’s ability to identify the rhyme in single syllable words.

The Spoonerisms Test 

Assesses whether a child can segment single syllable words and then synthesize the segments to provide new words or word combinations.

The Fluency Tests 

Assesses a child’s retrieval of phonological information from long-term memory.

The Non-Word Reading Test 

Assesses a child’s ability to decode letter strings.

PhAB2 subtests (5-6 & 7-11)

The Alliteration Test 

Assesses a child’s ability to isolate the initial sounds in single syllable words

The Naming Speed Tests 

Assesses a child’s speed of phonological production. These tests include the Picture Naming Test and the Digit Naming Test.

The Rhyme Test 

Assesses a child’s ability to identify the rhyme in single syllable words.

The Spoonerisms Test 

Assesses whether a child can segment single syllable words and then synthesize the segments to provide new words or word combinations.

The Fluency Tests 

Assesses a child’s retrieval of phonological information from long-term memory.

The Non-Word Reading Test 

Assesses a child’s ability to decode letter strings.


Assesses a child’s ability to combine sounds to make a spoken word

Phonological Working Memory 

Assesses a child's ability to use their short term memory for phonological segments

Phoneme Segmentation 

Assesses a child’s ability to separate spoken words into their constituent phonemes

Phoneme Deletion 

Assesses a child’s ability to anticipate how a word would sound if one phoneme is deleted