Pre-testing essentials
Assessing with LADS Plus requires no specialist training, however before attempting to test any individuals, it is advisable for the assessor to run through the complete suite of tests in order to familiarise themselves.
Individuals can be pre-registered by the assessor (via the administrator console) or can self-register prior to starting the test using their name and date of birth.
Testing environment
LADS Plus should be administered in a quiet environment, free from distractions. Assessors are encouraged to check appropriate sound levels to ensure that instructions and test items can be heard clearly. Headphones are recommended to ensure that all instructions and test content can be heard clearly particularly where multiple test takers are being assessed simultaneously.
Where multiple test takers are being assessed simultaneously, assessors should consider the position of computers and instruct participants to raise their hand if in need of assistance to minimise distractions.
Setting up
Assessors should check that the equipment being used for the assessment (computer, headphones and mouse) is functioning correctly and meets minimum system requirements.
Headphones are recommended to ensure that all instructions and test content can be heard clearly particularly where multiple test takers are being assessed simultaneously.
LADS Plus should ideally be used with a mouse rather than a touch pad as the latter may affect response times.
Time needed for testing
LADS Plus takes approximately 25 minutes to complete however no time limit should be imposed – test takes should be instructed to complete the tasks in their own time.