About BAS3
What is BAS3?
The British Ability Scales (BAS) has long been established as a leading standardised battery in the UK for assessing a child’s cognitive ability and educational achievement across a wide age range. Based on significant research and customer feedback, the new edition was launched in November 2011.
The battery of individually administered tests is designed for use by educational and clinical psychologists to assess children or adolescents who have been referred to them for a wide range of reasons, including learning and behavioural difficulties. It provides a comprehensive and flexible means of assessing different aspects of a child’s current intellectual functioning across the age range 3 years (3:00) to 17 years 11 months (17:11). It also allows a comparison of these aspects with the child’s basic educational progress. Used for a wide range of purposes, the battery can also provide researchers with a valuable research tool.
Comprising 20 shorts tests, each measuring particular types of knowledge, thinking and/or skills, BAS3 remains unique in the range of measurement facilities it offers and the variety of scales it includes. It allows an efficient and reliable assessment in 30-45 minutes, depending on the child.
3rd Edition
The British Ability Scales: Third Edition (BAS3) builds on the strengths of the British Ability Scales: Second Edition (BAS II), while improving usability and attractiveness. To ensure familiarity for existing users of BAS II,BAS3 retains the overall structure and scales featured in its predecessor, yet has been revised and restandardised to ensure the scores obtained are valid, reliable and based on up-to-date comparisons.
Why use BAS3?
- BAS3 offers the convenience of providing one instrument for assessing both abilities and achievement at all ages from pre-school to end of secondary
- The Core and Achievement Scales have been restandardised to ensure that the scores obtained are valid, reliable and based on up-to-date comparisons
- BAS3 has been co-normed with the York Assessment of Reading for Comprehension to provide evidence of discrepancies between cognitive ability and comprehension of extended text
- The Achievement Scales have been revised and brought into line with current Literacy and Numeracy strategies
- A new Scoring and Reporting Service makes the conversion of BAS3 scores much quicker, easier and less prone to clerical errors
- Updated full colour illustrations across a range of scales increase user-friendliness and the engagement of the child
- Overlapping of the Early Years and Schools Age Batteries allows comparisons across the age range.