Student Data Case Studies

Matthew Savage is the Principal at the International Community School, Amman, and has leadership experience at schools in Europe and Asia. He has written and presented at conferences around the world on the subject of analysing student data.

In these short student case studies, Matthew shows how he was able to use the combination of data from the Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT4), the Progress Test Series and the Pupil Attitudes to Self and School survey to build a comprehensive picture of each student and identify their specific learning and wellbeing support needs.


A “third culture kid” with a particularly high verbal ability


The impact of a lower non-verbal ability as learning becomes more challenging


Stretching a previously successful student can have hidden consequences


The lowered expectations of an EAL student


Finding the right way to support a low ability student

Min Ki

A balanced picture

Key Concepts Explained: Verbal Deficit

Key Concepts Explained: Maths Car

Key Concepts Explained: PASS Domains