Educational stages test level guide

Year (UK) Grade (US) Grade (Indian) Grade (IB Programme) Age

Reception (FS2) Preschool KG 1 (Jr KG) Pre-Kindergarten 4-5 5* 5* PASS 1
1 Kindergarten KG2 (Sr KG) Kindergarten 5-6 6* 6*
2 1st 1st 1st PYP 6-7 X Form A


Form B


Form C
7 7
3 2nd 2nd 2nd PYP 7-8 Pre-A 8 8 8 PASS 2
4 3rd 3rd 3rd PYP 8-9 A 9 9 9
5 4th 4th 4th PYP 9-10 B 10 10 10
6 5th 5th 5th PYP 10-11 C 11 11 11
7 6th 6th 6th MYP 11-12 D 12 / 11T† 12 / 11T† 11T† PASS 3
8 7th 7th 7th MYP 12-13 E 13 13 13
9 8th 8th 8th MYP 13-14 F 14 14 14
10 9th (Freshman) 9th 9th MYP 14-15 F 15 15 15
11 10th (Sophomore) 10th 10th MYP 15-16 G
12 11th (Junior) 11th 11th DP (Junior) 16-17 G PASS 4
13 12th (Senior) 12th 12th DP (Senior) 17-18


Progress Test Series

Please note that all levels for the Progress Test Series (PTE, PTM, and PTS) except Level 11T†, are based on end of academic year testing.

When testing Progress test Series at the beginning of the academic year, please contact us first for advice.

*Level 5 and Level 6 are paper assessments only

†Level 11T is for testing Year 7s at the start of the academic year, please contact us first for advice