Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use PhAB/PhAB2 with a child that is outside of the age ranges?

As with any standardised test, using an assessment with a child outside of age range will limit the accuracy of the data. It may help to identify gaps in skills, but standardised data measures should be treated with caution as it may be impacted by a ceiling or floor affect.

Can I administer the test with more than one child at a time?

As a student is required to give a verbal response to items, it would not be appropriate to administer the PhAB or PhAB2 with more than one child at a time.

Do I have to complete all of the subtests in the same sitting?

The subtests do not have to be attempted in a single sitting nor is it necessary to complete all subtests if targeting a specific ability or skill.

It may be appropriate to provide breaks between subtests for younger children or those who experience difficulties with attention.